from ..bf_gbl_env.cst_env import * def _Exception(): exc_type, exc_obj, tb = sys.exc_info() f = tb.tb_frame lineno = tb.tb_lineno filename = f.f_code.co_filename linecache.checkcache(filename) line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno, f.f_globals) return 'EXCEPTION IN ({}, LINE {} "{}"): {}'.format( filename, lineno, line.strip(), exc_obj ) def setPortAdmStatus(self, platform, port_id, adm_status=0): method_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name if port_id not in self.active_ports: self.controlPlaneMsg("Attempting to set administrative state for inactive port [%s]" % port_id) return port_enable = True if adm_status == 1 else False port_enable_str = "up" if port_enable else "down" try: if self.haveSAL() and port_id in SAL_PORT_ID: sal_port = SAL_PORT_ID[port_id] self.salgc.EnablePort( sal_port, lane=0, new_enb=port_enable ) else: self.bfgc.port_table.entry_mod(, [self.bfgc.port_table.make_key([gc.KeyTuple("$DEV_PORT", port_id)])], [ self.bfgc.port_table.make_data( [ gc.DataTuple("$PORT_ENABLE", bool_val=port_enable), ] ) ], ) except Exception as e: self.controlPlaneMsg( "%s:%s - Error setting admin state of port [%s] to %s: %s" % ( self.class_name, method_name, port_id, port_enable_str, e ) ) self.controlPlaneMsg( "%s:%s - with code [%s]" % (self.class_name, method_name, _Exception()) ) else: logger.warning("Port[%s] administrative status set to %s" % (port_id, port_enable_str))